Virtual Fracture Clinic

You have been referred to the virtual fracture clinic. The team will review your referral information and investigations to assess your fracture. We will then contact you within the next few days to tell you the outcome.

What is the Virtual Fracture Clinic?

Virtual Fracture Clinic is a new concept and approach to managing patients with a fracture or soft-tissue injury. Previously, all patients seen within the Emergency Department with a fracture, suspected injury of their bone or soft-tissue injury would be given an appointment to come to the fracture clinic at the hospital.

Why is this better for me?

We now have a better understanding of which fractures can heal without medical intervention and which require specialist orthopaedic input. This will avoid unnecessary attendances where there is no change to treatment. If you do need to be seen, we can arrange the most appropriate specialist at the required time following your injury.

What will happen now?

A consultant orthopaedic surgeon and physiotherapist will assess your referral the next working day and make a decision on the most suitable treatment plan.

We will contact you with 1 of 3 options:

•         We need to see you in fracture clinic

•         We need you to have further investigations before your clinic appointment

•         We do not need to see you and your injury can be self managed – we will send you information leaflets.

We will also send a copy of your letter from the virtual fracture clinic to you and your GP.

If we are unable to contact you, we will leave a short message asking you to get in touch with the Virtual Fracture Clinic.

If you do not hear from us within 1 week of your attendance in ED or GP surgery, please contact the Virtual Fracture Clinic.

What if I have any problems?

Whether you are discharged from the emergency department, after virtual fracture clinic, or after attending your appointment, you can always contact us on the virtual fracture clinic hotline.

This line is manned between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday at Frimley and 8.30am and 5pm at Wexham, and we will then arrange for the appropriate person to call you back if need be.  Please see all necessary contact details below.

Contact us - Virtual fracture clinic

Frimley Tel – 07584 330634 (8am – 5pm Monday to Friday – excluding Bank holidays)

Frimley Email -

Wexham Tel – 07584558292 (8.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday - excluding Bank holidays)

Wexham Email –

Leave a message if there is no answer or contact us via email and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Appointments team

Frimley Tel – 0300 613 4201 ext.4

Wexham Tel – 0300 614 7919 ext.1

In an emergency

1.       Speak to your GP

2.       Call 111

3.       Go to the emergency department

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