Psychological abuse
Includes name-calling, threats and manipulation, blaming you for the abuse or ‘gas-lighting’ you.
Economic abuse
Controlling your access to money or resources. Might take your wages, stop you working, or put you in debt. Sexual abuse Doesn’t have to be physical. Might manipulate or coerce you into doing things you don’t want to do. Coercive control When an abuser uses a pattern of behaviour over time to exert power and control. It is a criminal offence.
Physical abuse
Not only hitting. Might restrain you or throw objects, pinch or shove you and claim it’s a ‘joke’.
Tech abuse
Might send abusive texts, demand access to your devices, track you with spyware, or share images of you online.
Pregnancy can trigger an increase in the frequency and intensity of abuse and many women will experience it for the first time during their pregnancy.We know that people suffering abuse often want help but feel they cannot speak out; this is why all health care staff have been trained to ask you about your relationship and if you feel safe at home.
Please speak to your midwife if you need any support or call one of the help line numbers in the box below. They will not make decisions for you but can offer guidance and information so that you can move forward together and keep yourself safe.
You are not alone. Please look below for both local and national help.