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RSV Vaccine
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Frimley Park Hospital Neonatal Unit
On the neonatal unit
Kangaroo care
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Going home on oxygen
When you get home
Support when at home
How will you feel when going home
My baby is unwell
Awake time physiotherapy ideas
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Concerned about Newborns & babies less than 3 months?
New baby - what's normal and what's not
Bronchiolitis and RSV
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Bronchiolitis and RSV
Bronchiolitis and RSV
Bronchiolitis and RSV Easy Read RAG
My baby is constipated
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Crying and colic
My baby has Fever / High Temperature
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My baby has Fever / High Temperature
My baby has Fever / High Temperature
Fever - high temperature in babies under 3 months of age Easy Read RAG
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My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby is finding it hard to breathe – babies under 3 months Easy Read RAG
My baby has a 'funny shaped' head
My baby has a hernia
My baby is yellow / jaundice
My baby has a rash
My baby has thrush
My baby is vomiting
My baby has a sticky eye
Tongue Tie
Whooping cough (pertussis)
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Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and older)?
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Difficulty breathing and wheeze
Difficulty breathing and wheeze
My child is finding it hard to breathe and/or has a wheeze (Easy Read)
Fever / High Temperature
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Fever / High Temperature
Fever / High Temperature
Fever - high temperature in children over 3 months of age
Hand Foot and Mouth
Head Injury
Nose Bleeds
Scarlet Fever (Group A Strep)
Sore throat
Swallowed a foreign object
Tummy ache
Whooping cough (pertussis)
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My child has hurt themselves (injuries)
Arm Injury
Cuts and wounds
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Head Injury
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Nose Bleeds
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Should my child go to school/nursery today?
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Itchy Sneezy Wheezy
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Pollen Calendar
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Allergy Safety Netting and Information for Parents
Weaning and allergy prevention
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Asthma Webinars
Asthma attack
Asthma resources for parents/carers
Difficulty breathing and wheeze
Asthma Action Plan
Asthma Action Plan in multiple languages
How to do a Peak Flow Test
How to use your inhaler with spacer
Recycle Inhalers
How to use your Nasal Spray
Asthma Friendly Schools
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Asthma Friendly Schools
Asthma Friendly School Audit
School Asthma Register Template
School Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler Consent Form
Use of School Emergency Salbutamol Inhaler
School Inhaler and Spacer Request Form for Pharmacy
Emergency Salbutamol Kit Checklist
Record of Emergency Inhaler Administered to Pupils
Letter for Secondary School
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Asthma Friendly School Guidance
School Asthma Policy
Emergency Asthma Plan for Schools
Damp and Mould
Support to help you stop smoking
Green Doctor
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Diabetes Friendly Schools
School Diabetes Education Videos
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School Diabetes Education Videos
Type 1 Useful School Links
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Basic Type 1 Diabetes Education and Insulin Injections
OmniPod 5 Insulin Pump
Tandem Insulin Pump
Ypso Insulin Pump with CamAPS FX
Medtronic Insulin Pump
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
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Child's development
General information about child development
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Hand skills
Domestic Abuse
Exercise after pregnancy
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Epilepsy and Seizures
Epilepsy and Seizures
Epilepsy General Safety
Education and work with Epilepsy
Epilepsy as a teenager and young adult
Local Epilepsy Groups
Useful Links
Seizure First Aid
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The first 24 hours
Is my baby getting enough breast milk?
Infant feeding
Healthy eating for toddlers - useful resources for parents
What should a healthy day look like for your child?
COVID-19 and Breastfeeding
COVID-19 Vaccine and Breastfeeding
Keeping your child healthy
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Keeping your child healthy
Childhood Vaccinations - Essential information
Eye screening and tests
Health Visitors
Looking after your teeth
School Nursing
Stop smoking - protect your child's health
Keeping your child safe
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Keeping your child safe
Accidents and injuries - Keeping your child safe in the home
Accidents and injuries - Keeping your child safe 'out and about'
Face masks and children
Keep your child safe online
Safe sleeping
Sexual abuse
Being Safe Around Water
Fussy eating, sleep, tantrums, toilet training and more!
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Fussy eating, sleep, tantrums, toilet training and more!
Fussy eating, sleep, tantrums and more!
Healthy Eating and Weight
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Healthy Eating and Weight
Healthy Eating and Weight
Healthy Weight FAQ
Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating 0-5 Years
Teenage Food Facts
Keeping Active & Weight Management Resources
Local Weight Management services
What should a healthy day look like for your child?
Change for Life
Faltering growth in infants - advice for parents of children who wont eat
Webinars for parents; Weight management, allergies and fussy eating
Sensory Play Toolkit for fussy eaters
Nutrition for toddlers
Nutrition for Children
Info about your child's medication
Local support for parents, carers, young people and families
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Resources
Sensory Play Toolkit for fussy eaters
Webinars for parents; Weight management, allergies and fussy eating
Local support for parents, carers, young people and families
Speech and Language Resources and referrals
Emotionally Related School Avoidance Resources
New to the United Kingdom
Ready for school
#ReadyforParenthood Campaign
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Resources
Speech and Language Resources and referrals
Teaching your child to swallow tablets
Who's in charge? Safe Sleeping
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Upcoming Community Events
Slough Health and Housing Event
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Mental Health
Children and Young People Mental health
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Children and Young People Mental health
'Help I'm in crisis'
Your local mental health resources
Self harm support for parents
Self harm support for Young people
Anxiety (worry)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Mental Health during Coronavirus: Support, advice and guidance
Depression (low mood)
Eating Difficulties
Need help coping with the death of a loved one?
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Worried about a friend’s mental health?
Your Local Mental Health Resources
Maintaining your child's emotional wellbeing
Mums and Dads struggling with their Mental Health
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Mums and Dads struggling with their Mental Health
Antenatal Depression
Anxiety and other difficulties
Emotional Wellness
Healthy Relationships
Postnatal Depression
Dads & Partners
Parent and Carer Coping Guide - Young Peoples Mental Health
Adult Mental Health Resouces and Counselling
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Resources
Ukrainian Support Helpline
Health for Young People
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Health for Young People
Staying healthy
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Staying healthy
Healthy Eating and Weight
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Growing up
Body Image and Self-Esteem
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Family Breakdown
Dyslexia (and dyspraxia)
Exam pressure
School, College and Exams
Transition through schools
Alcohol, drugs and legal highs
Smoking and e-cigarettes
Staying safe online
Worried about a friend’s alcohol or drug use?
Young Carer (supporting a loved one)
Driving and road safety
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Sexual health
Consent and the law
Getting hold of emergency contraception
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Sex and Relationships
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Paediatric Pathways
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Paediatric Pathways
Diabetes - suspected
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Diabetes - suspected
Hybrid Closed Loop (HCL) Pump Pathway for CYP
Diabetes in Children- Importance of Early Diagnosis
Allergy (CMPI, Urticaria, Egg, Nut, AAI, PFS)
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Allergy (CMPI, Urticaria, Egg, Nut, AAI, PFS)
Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy
Egg allergy in children
Nut Allergy in Children
Pollen Food Syndrome (PFS) in Children
Peanut allergy
Urticaria in Children
Feeding Pathways - Supporting information and diet sheets
Allergy Safety Netting and Information for Parents
What to expect from Allergy Clinic
Paediatric Food Allergy Overview and Pitfalls of Testing
Asthma and Viral Induced Wheeze
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Asthma and Viral Induced Wheeze
Acute Asthma
Diagnosis of Asthma
Chronic Asthma Risk Stratification in CYP
Diagnosis and Management of Preschool Wheeze
Asthma Nurse Referral
Referral- outpatient referral guidelines, asthma nurse referral
Primary care device choices for asthma in children aged 5–12 years
Primary care device choices for asthma in children aged 12-17 years
Asthma outpatient Paediatric referral guidelines
Asthma resources for healthcare professionals
Asthma Training Videos & Webinars
Asthma Action Plan
Asthma resources for parents
Asthma Action Plan in multiple languages
Air Pollution
Abdominal Pain
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Ondansetron Gastroenteritis Pathway
Faltering growth in infants
Fits, faints and funny turns
Fever and Rashes Pathway
Gastro-oesophageal reflux
Head Injury
Managing colic in Infants
Pre-term infant feeding
Prescribing Specialist Formula
Prolonged Jaundice
Secondary lactose intolerance
Unsettled Baby
Vitamin D
Webinars for parents; Weight management, Food allergy and fussy eating
Urticaria in Children
RESPECT Plan Guidance in CYP
Clinical pathways - remote assessment more coming soon
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Clinical pathways - remote assessment more coming soon
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Feeding Pathways - Supporting information and diet sheets
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Feeding Pathways - Supporting information and diet sheets
Advice on Changing to a Hypoallergenic Formula
CMPA - Diagnosis
CMPA - focused clinical history
CMPA Pathway
Egg allergy information sheet
Egg allergy - reintroduction of egg in children with mild egg allergy
Faltering growth in infants - advice for parents of children who wont eat
Home milk challenge 4 weeks post trial parent information sheet
Introducing High Energy Solids
Lactose free diet for babies
Milk free diet for breastfeeding mums
Milk free diet for babies
Milk and soya free diets for babies
Milk free recipes
The Milk Ladder for those with CMPI diagnosis - has my baby grown out of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy?
Prescribing Specialist Formula
Secondary lactose intolerance - additional notes
GP Quick Prescribing Reference Guide – Specialist Infant Milks
GP Quick Guide 1 year Review CMPA
GOR and GORD - additional notes
Webinars for parents; Weight management, Food allergy and fussy eating
Sensory Play the fun way to help avoidant, picky or fussy eaters Toolkit
Radiology Pathways
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Radiology Pathways
Ultrasound in Children
Safety netting & parent info sheets
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Safety netting & parent info sheets
Abdominal Pain
Allergy Safety Netting and Information for Parents
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Allergy Safety Netting and Information for Parents
Allergy Action Plans
Allergy and Training Videos
Allergy helpline
Anaphylaxis Guidance for Parents, Carers and Schools
General Advice & Information about Anaphylaxis
CMPI Safety netting and diet sheets
Diet and Eczema
Eczema in Children
Egg Allergy
Food allergy
Food allergy testing and diagnosis
Factsheets about Food Allergens
Factsheets about Non-Food Allergens
Histamine Intolerance
Infant Feeding and Allergy Prevention Guidance for Parents
Pollen Food Syndrome
What to expect from Allergy Clinic
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Acute Asthma safety netting
Asthma Action Plan
Asthma Action Plan in multiple languages
Asthma resources for healthcare professionals
Asthma resources for parents
Viral induced wheeze
Blood tests for children
Feeding when they have bronchiolitis
Conjunctivitis in Children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Crying baby under 3 months of age
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Febrile Convulsion
Fever and Rash
Feeding Pathways - Supporting information and diet sheets
Fits, faints and funny turns
Head Injury
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Care of minor burns
Care of the sutured (stitches) or glued wound
Clavicle (Collar bone) Fractures
Looking after your child’s plaster cast
Pulled Elbow
Toe injuries in children (excluding great toe)
Virtual Fracture Clinic
Wrist Buckle Fracture
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Otitis media (earache)
Periorbital Cellulitis
Scarlet Fever (Group A Strep)
Seizure (afebrile)
Tonsillitis/sore throat
Adult Safety Netting
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Adult Safety Netting
Adult Non Cardiac Chest Pain Patient Information Leaflet
Adult Constipation and Faecal Impaction Including Laxative Sachet Disimpaction Plan
Adult Pneumonia Patient Information Leaflet
Prescribing in Children
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Prescribing in Children
Frimley Formulary
Prescribing in Asthma
Pharmacy First
Medicines for Children
Correctly applying penicillin allergy labels in children
Antibiotic prescribing in children – top-tips
SCAN Antibiotic Guidelines
Healthy Eating and Weight
Physical Health Coping Packs
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Physical Health Coping Packs
Abdominal Pain Resource Pack
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pack
Enuresis and Nocturnal Enuresis Resource Pack
Functional Symptoms
Headache Information Pack
Soling and Constipation Resource Pack
Mental Health Resources
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Mental Health Resources
Local support for parents, carers, young people and families
Your Local Mental Health Resources
Kooth Counselling: A Handy Guide for GPs & Healthcare Professionals
Ten Considerations for GPs Talking to Young People about Mental Health
Self Harm Guide for Professionals
Self Harm Guide for Teachers
Eating disorder Guidelines for General Practice
Eating disorder Guidelines for Education Settings
Eating Disorder Training Video
Emotionally Related School Avoidance Resources
Paediatric Referral Contact Details
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Clinical Scenarios
Roles of safeguarding professionals and organisations
Making a referral / seeking advice
Education, training and useful resources
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Education, training and useful resources
Paediatric Asthma update 2024
Adolescent health
Antibiotic prescribing in children
Antibiotic stewardship
Children and young people's mental health
Diabetes in Children- Importance of Early Diagnosis
Fontanelle Podcasts based on clinical pathways
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Imperial College Serious Infection Course
Making every contact count
Preterm Birth Information for Education Professionals
RCPCH healthy child programme 0-18yrs
Reducing avoidable term baby admissions
Spotting the sick child
Think Sepsis
Useful Videos for Children
Edible Canabis Alert
Dental Health
Reassuring procedure videos for children
Speech and Language Resources and referrals
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Speech and Language Resources and referrals
Surrey Speech and Language
Safe Sleeping Professionals Resources
Smoking and e-cigarettes
Adult Leaflets
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Adult Leaflets
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Bereavement Urgent Release
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