The contents of your baby’s nappy changes from day to day in the beginning. Breast fed babies often poo after every feed. You should expect:
- Day one to four: Baby’s nappies are usually black/green in colour. It can look like thick tar or marmite!
- Day four to seven: Your baby’s nappies will start to change colour from black/green to yellow.
- Day seven onwards. A baby’s nappy will be yellow. It will be soft and seedy if you are breastfeeding, or look like play dough if your baby is formula fed.
Wet nappies
The number of wet nappies you will expect to find changes in the amount of urine (wee) that you see over the first 7 days. Below is a guide to help you decide if your baby is passing enough urine (wee).
Day 1-2
2 or more wet nappies in the first 24-48 hours. The nappy will not feel heavy
You might see a small brick dust coloured mark in the nappy – urates- which should be smaller than a 5p piece
Day 3-4
3 or more wet nappies per day. The nappies start to feel heavier than before
Day 5-6
5 or more wet nappies per day. The nappy will feel heavy. If you want to check this then take a clean nappy and pour 3 tablespoons or 45mls of water into it. Pick it up – this is how a ‘heavy’ nappy should feel
Day 7 onwards
6 or more wet nappies per day
Urates, sometimes known as brick dust because that’s what it looks like: tiny orange or pinkish crystals. They are harmless: they are salts in the urine, and tend to show up in the very early days. Most babies will pass them once only. They can be a sign your baby needs a little help to feed more often or more effectively. Ask your midwife.

Pseudo Menses or False Periods
False menstruation or pseudo menstruation is harmless. It is a very light bleed from the vagina in some baby girls. It comes from the effects of your own hormones on her system, and it soon stops.

Nappy Wetness Indicator

Some nappies include a line which indicates when the baby has passed urine. This can help parents to know how many wet nappies the baby has had. Click here if you are worried about how much your baby is peeing.
Dirty Nappies
Dirty Nappy Day 0-1

The first baby poo is thick and black/green and very sticky. There might be several nappies that look like this or just one or two.
Dirty Nappy Day 1-2

There will still be the black poo for a couple of day but it will start to get a bit more green and less thick.
Dirty Nappy Day 2-3

As the milk starts to travel through your baby's tummy you will start to see the poo change to a green/brown colour and it will start to have little bits that look like seeds in it.
Dirty Nappy Day 3-5

Once the baby is feeding more you will find the poo turns a brown colour and is quite loose. It will continue to have little bits in it that look like seeds and will have at least 2 dirty nappies a day
Dirty Nappy Day 7 onwards

Exclusively breast fed baby. The poo will turn very yellow with small 'seedy' bits in it. It can be very watery which is normal. Some baby’s poo at every feed and some may go a few days without a dirty nappy. If your baby is feeding well and gaining weight then there is no cause for concern.
Formula milk fed babies: Some baby’s poo more often but usually once a day as a minimum. If your aby is feeding well and gaining weight then there is no cause for concern.
If your baby is struggling to have a poo and is constipated, please phone your Health Visitor for advice.
Click here for more information on Nappy Rash