Stop smoking - protect your child's health

Why Quit?

Smoking is harmful to your child. Even if you don't smoke in the same room as them, smoke remains on your clothing and in your breath for several hours after your last cigarette.

Recognised health complications include:

  • Cot death (also known as sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS) - this is twice as likely in babies whose mother smokes
  • Asthma - your child is more likely to develop asthma and experience more frequent and severe asthma attacks
  • Other serious breathing problems such as pneumonia
  • Ear infections which may cause long term hearing loss
  • Increase numbers of viral infections

You could also save at least £4,900 a year by quitting a 20 cigarette a day habit!

How to Quit

There are many local NHS quitting services available to help you through this process. They can offer face-to-face and telephone support, and access to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and other medicine.

Berkshire- Smoke Free Life Berskhire 

Telephone: 0800 622 6360 


Hampshire - Smoke Free Hampshire

Buckinghamshire Live Well Stay Well 

Telephone: 01628 857 311- or Text 'QUIT' to 85222


Surrey Healthy Surrey 


National Smoking Helpline:

Stop exposing your child to unecessary harm - pick up the telephone today and take the next step

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