Healthy Eating 0-5 Years


Better Start to Life  - NHS advice from pregnancy through baby to toddlers. Includes information on keeping active and healthy eating such as breastfeeding and introducing solid foods.

Healthy Start - Information on Healthy Start vouchers available for some pregnant women and children under 4 years. The website also includes Food and health tips on healthy eating, vitamins, breastfeeding among other topics.

First Steps Nutrition  - An independent public health nutrition charity providing information and resources to support eating well from pre-conception to 5 years.

Institute of Health Visiting - Parent tips, covering so many things to do with babies, children and families, including healthy nutrition.

Infants & Toddlers  - A group of leading experts from paediatrics, neonatology, health visiting, dietetics and child psychology, specialising in early years nutrition and development.

Baby Friendly Resources - Baby Friendly Initiative Resources for health professionals and parents providing information and advice on a range of issues around caring for babies and families.

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