Referral Resources

Asthma Nurse Referral

FHFT –Paediatric Respiratory Nursing RAS Triage Service Live on eRS from

The service can be accessed by selecting the relevant RAS service below on eRS. Frimley Health will contact the patient directly to book a virtual or face to face outpatient appointment, a secondary care diagnostic test, or management advice may be sent back to you. Those returned with management advice will appear on your Referrer Action Required Worklist. Please action in accordance with the comments on the worklist. Where a detailed response is required, the clinicians will write a dictated letter to you and copy in the patient.

Please ensure you refer to the inclusion and exclusions criteria which is on the form and listed below.

Please contact the team prior to referral if you have a child you would like to be seen for review but does not meet the criteria above.

Referral Criteria:

  • Any child aged 4-15 years who are either diagnosed or have a suspected diagnosis of asthma (ie. Personal atopy, immediate family history of atopy, multi trigger wheeze) whom present with any of the following​​​​​​​
    • x1 hospital admission for wheeze within the last 12 months
    •  x2 emergency attendances for wheeze within the last 12 months
    •  x1 courses of oral steroids within the last 12 months
  • · Uncontrolled asthma, despite inhaled corticosteroids
  • · Poor understanding of their symptoms/medications or poor inhaler technique

Please contact the team prior to referral if you have a child you would like to be seen for review but that does not meet the criteria above. Full contact details are on the referral form which can be found in DXS within the Frimley Health and Care / Paediatrics / 4.Frimley ICS Referral Forms folder.

Please also refer to Frimley Healthier Together asthma pages using the links below. We have been populating them together with the asthma nurses input and they will continue to grow with resources for both patients and clinicians. 

Parents: Asthma : Frimley HealthierTogether (

Clinicians: Asthma and Viral Induced Wheeze :: Frimley HealthierTogether (

Please ensure you are referring to the correct eRS service and have checked the eRS Directory of Services (DoS):

 Frimley South




Children & Adolescent Services

Paediatrics - Respiratory Nursing RAS Triage service - Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust RDU01 


 Frimley North




Children & Adolescent Services

Paediatrics - Respiratory Nursing RAS Triage service - Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust RD7 



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