What to expect from Allergy Clinic
Your GP may refer you/your child for further assessment of their allergies.
What will happen on the day?
Your appointment will be with a paediatrician with special interest in allergy who will take a focussed allergy history. You may also see the paediatric allergy nurse or the outpatient team for further testing. Please allow 1-2 hours for your appointment as you may require further testing.
Do I need to stop medications before the appointment?
You may have further testing during your appointment and some medications can interfere with tests. Please do not take an antihistamine 5 days prior to your appointment. For example Cetirizine/Loratadine/Chlorphenamine/fexofenadine.
Please continue other medications such as inhalers or nasal sprays. If you feel you/your child needs to take an antihistamine due to a reaction, please follow your allergy action plan.
If you are concerned about stopping medications prior to the appointment, please contact the team via the number on your appointment letter.
For more Allergy infomartion visit Allergy :: Frimley HealthierTogether (frimley-healthiertogether.nhs.uk)