Your Local Mental Health Resources

We can all at times feel down, worried or anxious because of a variety of situations like lockdown, school, family or friends. 

There is a wealth of resources out there that you can access for free to help with how you are feeling including counselling, advice lines and safe haven drop in cafes. 


East Berkshire CYP Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Resources Overview

This document details the emotional wellbeing and mental health support services available to children and young people who live and are registered with a GP in East Berkshire. Additionally a video resource providing an overview of East Berkshire CAMHS partnership services can be accessed here

Kooth online counselling and emotional well-being support service for young people is a free, safe, secure and anonymous means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors. As well as other supports such as discussion boards and magazines with peer to peer and community elements. All of which are safe and secure and pre moderated. For young people aged 10-25* Available if you live and/or go to school in Slough, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead or Bracknell Forest .

Sport in mind

Sport in Mind- the charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems.

Please find all of our currently running sessions below - be sure to check back regularly as we are constantly adding new and exciting activities!

Sport in Mind Session Info:

  •  Drop-in, so there is no need to book ahead! 
  •  All equipment is provided - although you can bring your own! 
  •  Led by friendly and approachable coaches, supported by enthusiastic volunteers 
  •  Open all to abilities
  •  Cost - Our sessions are free!
  •  Open to carers 
  •  Open to friends and family members

You can also contact Claire in the Sport in Mind office on 0118 947 9762 or email for further information about our sport and activity programmes for mental wellbeing.


Little Blue Book of Sunshine

The #littlebluebookofsunshine written with the help of young people aims to help teenagers by sharing lots of tips on how to deal with many problems, such as anxiety, body image, relationships and anger. It also includes information about where to get help when they need it.  Anyone can sometimes feel down, worried or anxious because of a variety of situations like lockdown, school, family or friends. The #littlebluebookofsunshine explains some of the thing's teenagers can do right now to feel better, and who to turn to if things feel too much. Download a copy to your phone.  



Coping Guides (Frimley) 

The guides list some of the best reliable and free sources of information and advice to help children and young people and their families to cope with life under lockdown and beyond. The young person’s guide contains lots of useful self-help apps and websites and a range of resources, including local and national services to support young people with their mental health.


GEMS is for children, young people and adults who are diagnosed with or who are on the pathway to diagnosis for Autism and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The service also supports parents and carers. Whatever stage of your Autism/ADHD journey you are at pre- or post- diagnosis – GEMS offers a single point of contact where you can access information, advice and support.

  • Landline: 01753 373 244
  • Freephone: 0800 999 1342
  • Email:



No 22 (Counselling in the community from 11+) 

Website: Home • Number 22 • Free Counselling in Windsor, Slough and Maidenhead

Tel:  01628 636661 

Registered Charity providing free and confidential counselling to young people, supporting those in distress where clients can feel valued and heard. 

Available if you live and/or go to school in Slough, or the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. 

No 22 Telephone Support line ages 11-25 years 

 The support line is a bookable 25-minute telephone appointment for young people between the age of 11-25 years living in Slough, Windsor, and Maidenhead. The telephone service is run by Number 22 counsellors.   

The appointment can be used as a:  

  • One off counselling session   
  • Reporting a safeguarding concern  
  • Introduction to counselling – what could a YP expect, allaying fears, taster session  
  • Signposting to other services  

Please see poster for more information.

 Image preview

TalkingTherapies (17+)

Talking Therapies is a NHS service offering treatment for mental health issues such as low mood, stress, anxiety or phobias, and for the emotional impact of long-term physical conditions such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. Group and individual support is available. This service is open to anyone aged 17+ and available for contact 8am to 8pm Monday to Thursday, and 8am to 5pm on Fridays. Sign-up here Referral Form ( for a telephone wellbeing assessment



Youthline call: 01344 311200  


Youthline provides a free, confidential counselling service for young people attending secondary school and adults who care for and support young people.  

 For young people aged 11+ Available if you live and/or go to school in Bracknell Forest. 


Berkshire Healthcare Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

CAMHS provide support for children and young people whose difficulties are very distressing and who are registered with a GP in East Berkshire. You can be referred to CAMHS by your parents, teacher, social worker or GP. If you are over the age of 16, you can refer yourself. For all new referrals, please complete the online referral form for our Children, Young People and Families (CYPF) HealthHub. If you want to talk to someone about whether CAMHS is the right service to help, or if you are having extreme mental health difficulties and need support urgently, call the team on 0300 365 1234. If you are already receiving treatment from CAMHS, someone from the relevant team will let you know if your treatment needs to continue in a different form at the moment, for example by phone or video link. If you are waiting to hear about your first appointment and things are getting worse or you are worried that you haven’t heard, please phone 0300 365 1234. 


Buckinghamshire | Oxford Health CAMHSOxford Health CAMHS

Have a wealth of infomation covering crisis lines, free counselling and the local organisations and  charities in Buckinghamshire who may be able to offer you some extra support. 

Sport in mind

Sport in Mind- the charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems.

Please find all of our currently running sessions below - be sure to check back regularly as we are constantly adding new and exciting activities!

Sport in Mind Session Info:

  •  Drop-in, so there is no need to book ahead! 
  •  All equipment is provided - although you can bring your own! 
  •  Led by friendly and approachable coaches, supported by enthusiastic volunteers 
  •  Open all to abilities
  •  Cost - Our sessions are free!
  •  Open to carers 
  •  Open to friends and family members

You can also contact Claire in the Sport in Mind office on 0118 947 9762 or email for further information about our sport and activity programmes for mental wellbeing.


#Coping guides (Frimley)  

 The guides list some of the best reliable and free sources of information and advice to help children and young people and their families to cope with life under lockdown and beyond. The young person’s guide contains lots of useful self-help apps and websites and a range of resources, including local and national services to support young people with their mental health. 


 KoothOffers a  Digital online counselling and emotional well-being support  service for young people in Hampshire. It  is a free, safe, secure and anonymous means of accessing support for all emotional health and wellbeing needs providing users with access to a professional team of qualified counsellors. Kooth has a range of additional support features such as discussion boards, magazines and wellbeing activities, providing additional support with peer to peer and community support. All elements of the site are safe and secure and pre-moderated. Young people in Hampshire aged 11-25 have Free access to the service.


Sport in mind

Sport in Mind- the charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems.

Please find all of our currently running sessions below - be sure to check back regularly as we are constantly adding new and exciting activities!

Sport in Mind Session Info:

  •  Drop-in, so there is no need to book ahead! 
  •  All equipment is provided - although you can bring your own! 
  •  Led by friendly and approachable coaches, supported by enthusiastic volunteers 
  •  Open all to abilities
  •  Cost - Our sessions are free!
  •  Open to carers 
  •  Open to friends and family members

You can also contact Claire in the Sport in Mind office on 0118 947 9762 or email for further information about our sport and activity programmes for mental wellbeing.


No Limits Safe Haven 

The young person’s Safe Haven in North East Hampshire and Farnham (covering areas including Aldershot, Farnborough, Fleet and Yateley) offers young people aged 10-17 access to out of hours emotional and practical support with their mental health, providing them with the tools and techniques to enable them to be as safe as possible and make positive changes.

Safe Haven NE Hants and Farnham is currently providing an online, telephone and face-to-face service (by appointment only). Youth Workers are available via phone or web chat:

Monday – 6:30-10pm (face-to-face support by appointment only)

Wednesday – 6-8:30pm (web chat & phone support)

Thursday – 6:30-10pm (face-to-face support by appointment only)

Saturday – 10:30am-1pm (web chat support only)

Contact details: 

For phone support or to make an appointment for face-to-face support, please phone: 07918259361

For web chat support: Please click the web chat button at the bottom right-hand side of the No Limits website.

Address: Shieling House, 30 Invincible Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7QU


Hampshire Counselling services  

For young people aged 14-17

Call: 02380 224224  

or Vist:

For young people 5-17


or Call: 02382 147755   

These Hampshire wide counselling services allow young people an opportunity to talk to a trained person in confidence, about anything of worry or concern. Counsellors are trained to listen to young people’s issues and worries without judgement and without telling them what to do. The services offer face to face, online and telephone and group sessions depending choice and need.  



Talk plus offer 16+ free NHS Talking Therapies in Rushmoor, Hart and Farnham for stress, anxiety, low mood and worry, as well as, support for managing a long-term health condition. They have an online safe space link at the bottom of every page.

They offer treatments for stress, anxiety, low mooddepressionpanicphobiasOCD.

Additionally, they can provide employment support to those using our service.  This is provided in partnership with Richmond Fellowship, please contact  Talk Plus for more details.

Sasha's Project is a not for profit organisation that was set up in memory of a local Hampshire resident.

The project runs a drop in crisis centre at the Point Youth Centre, Harlington Way, Fleet, GU51 4BP. Open 10pm-6am every Saturday night. It is a safe haven for young people aged 18-25 who are experiencing a mental health crisis or suidal ideation. It offers a caring, non clinical enviroment and complete confidentiality.


Hampshire CAMHS 

 Hampshire CAMHS provide emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people aged 6 to 18, registered with a GP in North East Hampshire. The Hampshire CAMHS website provides a safe, trustworthy and engaging platform for any young person, parent/carer or professional wanting to access high quality, accessible information, advice, guidance on emotional and mental health and wellbeing. If you are waiting to hear about your first appointment and things are getting worse or you are worried that you haven’t heard, please phone 0300 304 0050 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Outside of these hours, if you need urgent help please contact 111, where our Paediatric Mental Health Practitioners will be able to help you.  


Mindworks Surrey 

Surrey’s emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children and young people.

New 24hr Crisis Line:

24/7 mental health crisis line for children, young people, and families

If you are worried about yourself, a friend, or your child or young person, please call the 24/7 mental health crisis line free on 0800 915 4644.

It’s open all day and all night, seven days a week. 

It is available for children and young people up to the age of 18, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

The new crisis line provides emotional wellbeing support, advice, and signposting to a range of community services for children, young people and their families and carers who are in a mental health crisis. The number is available to those who are already receiving mental health services, and also for those who are not. No referral is needed.

The crisis line is staffed by a team of experienced, trained call handlers and mental health nurses.

A key aim of the crisis line is to help support young people, carers and families within their own homes and in the community and, whenever possible, help avoid the need for children and young people to go to hospital in a crisis.


#Coping guides (Frimley)  

 The guides list some of the best reliable and free sources of information and advice to help children and young people and their families to cope with life under lockdown and beyond. The young person’s guide contains lots of useful self-help apps and websites and a range of resources, including local and national services to support young people with their mental health. 


Sport in mind

Sport in Mind- the charity that uses sport and physical activity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health problems.

Please find all of our currently running sessions below - be sure to check back regularly as we are constantly adding new and exciting activities!

Sport in Mind Session Info:

  •  Drop-in, so there is no need to book ahead! 
  •  All equipment is provided - although you can bring your own! 
  •  Led by friendly and approachable coaches, supported by enthusiastic volunteers 
  •  Open all to abilities
  •  Cost - Our sessions are free!
  •  Open to carers 
  •  Open to friends and family members

You can also contact Claire in the Sport in Mind office on 0118 947 9762 or email for further information about our sport and activity programmes for mental wellbeing.



Kooth online counselling and emotional well-being support service for young people is a free, safe, secure and anonymous means of accessing support with their emotional health and wellbeing needs from a professional team of qualified counsellors. As well as other supports such as discussion boards and magazines with peer to peer and community elements. All of which are safe and secure and pre moderated. For young people aged 10-18 . 



Talk plus offer 16+ free NHS Talking Therapies in Rushmoor, Hart and Farnham for stress, anxiety, low mood and worry, as well as, support for managing a long-term health condition. They have an online safe space link at the bottom of every page.

They offer treatments for stress, anxiety, low mooddepressionpanicphobiasOCD.

Additionally, they can provide employment support to those using our service.  This is provided in partnership with Richmond Fellowship, please contact  Talk Plus for more details.


Talking Therapies 

The service is for anyone aged 17+ who is experiencing anxiety or depression and is registered with a GP Practice in Surrey. There is no upper age limit.


Youth Counselling Service 

West surrey and North East Hampshire

Providing a short term, free and confidential counselling service for 12-24 year olds in West Surrey and North East Hampshire


Emotional support leaflet from surrey CAMHS 





Mindful service  

This NHS Service is for young people aged 16-25 who have emerging to moderate mental health difficulties that are causing problems in their lives and making it difficult to cope in areas such as relationships, education or employment. The service covers the whole of Surrey and works across agencies to engage with and facilitate mental health care for young people who are hard to reach. Young people who come into contact with Mindful are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and/or using drugs and alcohol.

Young people can refer themselves by calling 07771 976 770. 




Free Youth Counselling Services for Young People ( 

This is a young people’s charity that offers young people, aged between 11 and 25, living in North Hampshire/South West Surrey, counselling service. They support young people who are having a hard time, struggling to cope, feeling stressed, anxious, or down and could benefit from counselling support. If you are between 11 and 17 years old, you GP can refer you. If you are between 18 and 25 years you can refer yourself by filling out a document on their website. 

Launch Chat or contact the team to find out more about free counselling in your area. 

01252 346120 


Children and Young People’s Haven 

For young people aged 10-18 from Surrey Heath  


Farnham - For young peope aged 10-17

visit:  from Farnham  

Safe havens provide a safe space for children and young people, offering out of hours emotional and practical support with your mental health in a confidential, friendly and supportive environment.  

They also run small group workshops discussing different mental health topics. 

Currently based in four different locations around Surrey; Guildford, Staines,  Redhill and Epsom.  

Normal this would be a physical drop in space but due to covid  they are running a virtual service for young people to access support by phone. This service is available every day of the week including bank holidays 

Call: 01483519436 

Monday to Friday, 4pm-8.30pm.   Saturday and Sunday, 12pm-6pm 


Chat Health School nurse – text service  

(For age 11-19 years)  

Chat Health :: Children and Family Health Surrey (  

Chat Health text number:  07507 329 951 

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays)  

Text service enables young people (aged 11-19) to reach out to the school nurse team to ask for confidential advice on a wide range of issues such as bullying, emotional health and wellbeing, sexual health as well as illnesses, or make an appointment with a school nurse confidentially.  


Catch 22  

(For ages 11 to 25 years old)  

Free and confidential advice and support .  

Surrey Young people’s Substance Misuse Service (SYPSMS) is a county-wide specialist treatment service, offering; one-to-one support to young people and their families, a 24 hour help line, counselling and pharmacological support, as part of a tailored recovery approach for young people aged 11 to 21-years-old successfully delivering positive outcome for the young people they work with. 

Surrey Young Person's Substance Misuse Service - Catch22 (  

01372 832 905  

Out of hours:  0800 622 6662  



Surrey Drug and Alcohol Care (SDAC) 

Helpline for support with drugs and alcohol issues and emotional health and wellbeing (for those with issues and their families/friends).    

Phone line 24/7  

SMS service 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday  

FREEPHONE 0808 802 5000  

SMS service 07537 432411  

i-access Drug & Alcohol Service :: Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust ( 


Mindsight Surrey Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)   click here 

CAMHS provide support for children and young people whose difficulties are very distressing and who are registered with a GP in Surrey Heath, Farnham and North East Hampshire. You can be referred to CAMHS by your parents, teacher, social worker or GP.

If you want to talk to someone about whether CAMHS is the right service to help, or if you are having extreme mental health difficulties and need support urgently there is a free 24/7 mental health crisis line for children aged from six years, young people and their families/carers who are in crisis. Please call 0800 915 4644 to talk with a professional who will provide advice, support and signposting to a range of community services. It’s open all day and all night, seven days a week.The crisis line can be used by everyone aged 6 and above in Surrey and NE Hampshire.

The number 0800 915 4644 is the same telephone number as the adult mental health crisis line – simply select option one.

If you are already receiving treatment from CAMHS, someone from the relevant team will let you know if your treatment needs to continue in a different form at the moment, for example by phone or video link. If you are waiting to hear about your first appointment and things are getting worse or you are worried that you haven’t heard, please phone 0300 222 5755.  





The Mix call: 0808 808 4994 visit:    

Offers a phone helpline and 1-2-1 webchat service; both are open every day 3pm to 12am. Also offers a free telephone counselling service.  


Training for parents



Training for professionals and parents/caregivers:  

New online Psychological First Aid (PFA) training course on Future Learn. It takes about 3 hours to complete (split into 3 sessions that the learner can complete at their own pace) and no previous qualifications are required.    The online course, developed by Public Health England (PHE), offers training on how to provide practical and emotional support to children and young people up to 25 affected by emergencies or crisis situations. On completion, participants will have an understanding of what PFA is, be able to identify who would benefit from support and how best to give help across the different age groups and also for those who might need extra support because of different needs.  


Helplines and advice


Childline call: 0800 11 11 visit:    

 Anyone aged 19 or under can speak to a Childline counsellor by phone or online about anything that is worrying them. 

The 1-2-1 counsellor webchat service is open from 9am to midnight every day (you need to join the queue before 10.30pm).

You can also login on the Childline website to send an email and a counsellor will try to reply within 24 hours.  

You can start a 1-2-1 chat with us from: 

7.30am -10.30pm - Monday to Friday 

9am - 10:30pm - Saturday to Sunday 

Or you can call 0800 1111 for free from: 

7.30am -3.30am - Monday to Friday 

9am - 3.30am - Saturday to Sunday  

  Info and advice including bullying, your body, your feelings, friends, relationships and sex, home and families, school, college and work. Tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration can help you feel more in control.  




 YoungMinds Crisis Messenger text YM to 85258.  

The YoungMinds Crisis Messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support.   

 Information about coping with mental health issues, including feelings and symptoms, looking after yourself and how to get help, including an A-Z  of common mental health conditions.  

YoungMinds parents’ helpline  

  • 0808 802 5544  


  •     Open: Mon - Fri 9.30am - 4pm Free and confidential national helpline. Offers advice to parents/carers worried about a child or young person under 25 years old. Advice on a child’s behaviour, emotional wellbeing or mental health condition.  



Beat call: 0808 801 0711 visit:  email:    

Beat offers a non-judgemental space to share feelings and thoughts around eating disorders. They can also provide information or support to explore options for help. The helpline and web chat is available 9am–8pm on weekdays and 4pm–8pm on weekends and bank holidays.  



Boloh call:

0800 1512605 


The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic family Covid-19 Helpline. Free emotional support and practical advice from Barnardo’s for a child or young person aged 11+. Also available in multiple languages. You can talk weekdays 10am-8pm and weekends 10am-3pm.  



Family Lives helpline 

0808 800 2222  

Open: Mon - Fri 9am - 9pm and Sat - Sun 10am - 3pm Free and confidential national helpline service for families. Offers emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.  


Shout visit:  

text: Text SHOUT to 85258  

The UK’s 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis, anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.  


General mental health websites



Call: 0800 068 41 41  or TEXT: 07860 039967  9am - 12am 7 days a week 




Confidential advice for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them. Advisors are trained to provide help focused on staying safe from suicide. Opening hours for the phone helpline and text service are 9am to midnight every day, including weekends and bank holidays.  




call: 116 123 



The phone helpline provides 24/7 emotional support for anyone feeling down, experiencing distress or struggling to cope. There is also an email service (they aim to respond to emails within 24 hours).  


The Children’s Society’s mental and emotional health resource vault    

 Information about coping with mental health issues, including feelings and symptoms, looking after yourself and how to get help.  


Childline’s Calm Zone  

Features lots of breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help you let go of stress.  




Anna Freud On my Mind    

By young people for young people with tips all about self care including a complete A–Z of strategies and activities to help you look after your emotional wellbeing.  

Anna Freud- Early Years

 Information and advice, A-Z of common difficulties in early years:     

Anna Freud Parent/Carers  

Advice and guidance for parents and carers to help them support a child or young person experiencing poor mental health and wellbeing including support for adoptive parents, foster carers and special guardians.  



MindEd For Families  

Written by experts and parents together, this provides materials for parents and carers of children and teens struggling with mental health issues.  


Every Mind Matters  

Every Mind Matters has been created by Public Health England, with tips and advice developed with experts and approved by the NHS including tips for looking after a child or young person’s mental health and also self care for parent/carers.  


Loneliness Reconnection Guide  

The University of Bath have also put together a practical guide for parents, teachers and practitioners about what loneliness is and things that can help  


  •   Top tips on how to support children & young people with their worries and anxiety  

  • Evidence based parent/carer resource created by the AnDY research clinic at the University of Reading. It is also available in multiple languages and is aimed at parent/carers of preschool and school age children (attached). Foreign-language translations of this resource are available here. You can also head over to their Recommended Resources page for more ideas  


Accessibility tools