Local support for parents, carers, young people and families

Bringing up children is a lot of fun but can also have its challenges, when receiving some advice would be helpful. We hope these pages will provide you with information that you will find useful. 


Are you a parent, grandparent or carer and live in the Frimley Health and Care area covering East Berkshire, Surrey Heath and North East Hampshire and Farnham (that includes Ascot, Bracknell, Windsor and Maidenhead, Slough and North East Hampshire and Farnham)?


We are offering you 24/7 free access to NHS-backed, online parenting courses and guides which include top tips from childcare, education and NHS health experts. Topics include: 

Sign up for free by following these easy steps:

  1. Click here www.inourplace.co.uk. This takes you to the ‘Our Place’ website
  2. Choose the ‘Green Button’ to apply the access code.
  3. Apply access code PARENTING if you live in East Berkshire or North East Hampshire and Farnham

    Apply access code ACORN if you live in Surrey

  4. Create your account
  5. Sign in and start learning!      

If you are planning a family, having your first or even your fourth child, the Frimley Maternity website holds a wealth of information to support you and your partner throughout this whole journey and through the years of parenting. Visit the link below to find out more


Home Start- s a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children 5 and under through their challenging times. No judgement, it is just compassionate, confidential help and expert support.’ Visit the website below to get in contact with your local area team.  

Home-Start UK (home-start.org.uk) 

Social Prescribing 

Social prescribing is about giving you access to activities, social groups, services, and advice based on your needs and interests. 

The aim is to improve your sense of wellbeing, which in turn can often have a positive impact on your health. It doesn’t replace the medical role your GP plays but is an addition to the service they provide. 

Our Social Prescribing service is available to anyone over 18, including the parents and carers of children and young people and includes:

  • Improve health and wellbeing outcomes for residents in the area 
  • Support parents and carers of children and young people 
  • Reduce inappropriate demand for health and social services 
  • Enable residents to be proactive in managing their own health and wellbeing 
  • Help people to access the right support 
  • Be accessible to as many people as possible within the community 

Lifeskills ( Virtual Group Sessions) 

LifeSkills is about giving you the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in work, and life. We will be putting on a series of FREE online workshops aimed at supporting you to reach your goals, focus on your individual strengths and needs, and feel empowered!  

Topics can include:  

  • Wellbeing  
  • Confidence  
  • Parenting skills 
  • Financial skills  
  • Employability skills  
  • Food insecurity  
  • Healthy eating  
  • Social isolation and much more!  

You can self-refer by emailing - frimleyicb.socialprescribingfamilyaction@nhs.net or speaking to your GP to make a referral .

Surrey County Council family information service 

Click here 


Jigsaw helps local families in financial need by providing good quality, pre-owned clothing, toys, and equipment for children aged 0-5, through the generous donations of the local community.

Click here 


If you're looking for ideas for fun, stimulating activities with your pre-school child, check out Hungry Little Minds for a range of ideas for youngsters, from newborns to the age of five

Supporting a young person’s mental health can often feel daunting but there is support out there for them and you. 

We have created a mental health resource page where you can find all the local support available in your area including counselling and helplines available in one place. Link to our mental health resource page.  

Please do also look at our mental health section for condition specific advice and emotional wellbeing during covid click here 

Visit our Young People’s sections are filled with advice and local resources for: 

  • Sexual health and contraception 

  • Drug, alcohol and smoking services and help 

  • School difficulties including bullying and exam pressure 

  • Gender identity and sexuality 

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, remember you are NOT alone and help is available here 


For advice on other issues that may be affecting you and/or other members of your household, see our Home/Community Support page

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